Saturday, December 20, 2008

Where does the time go?

Well, it's December 20th....My parents' 43 anniversary! Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

We have had an incredible day, well the month has been incredibly busy, but today had to have topped it all off. Woke up around 8:30...Left the house at 9:15. We have 3 children and 3 basketball games. The boys had a double header at 10 and 12, then Abi had a game at 3. The benches were hard but the kids all played well and they won all their games! (See the pics)

We have been Christmas shopping until I just can't even think anymore. A close friend's sister was abducted in the Von Maur parking lot by gunpoint last night! She was alone and a woman abducted her and told her to do everything she said or the man following them would kill her. They forced her to an ATM, then went to a Sonic where they took everything out of her car and put it in theirs...then drove her out into the country. The road they drove her down was a road where there was a quadruple homicide about 8 years ago....She was petrified! They dropped her off and drove off she was unharmed. Was able to flag the first person down that drove by and called her husband and police! PLEASE BE CAREFUL THIS WEEK SHOPPING!!! I write this down just to caution everyone to be careful and to shop in groups or at least not alone. God was surely watching over her last night!

We will be traveling during the Christmas week! Hope to see lots of family and friends and do some skiing and fun stuff! We desperately need a vacation!

Merry Christmas to everyone who reads this! God Bless you all and have a wonderful Happy New Year!

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