Friday, September 5, 2008

Mark Your Calendars for June 12-13, 2009!

Special Delivery is going to help sponsor an Guatemala Adoptive Families Reunion. This is to say, that any family in the past 30 years, who has adopted from Larry and Claire Boggs by way of Refugio Bautista Infantil, Hogar Cuna or Nido del Aguila Children's Home, we are going to get together!

Right now the date is set for June 12-13, 2009 and will be held in the state of Indiana. I'm not sure the exact city yet, but will post that as soon as I know more details.

Normally we have a reunion about every 2 years. The last one was in 2007 in Normal/Bloomington, Illinios. We had over 150 people that came. This year we hope to have even more than that. It is a great time/place for siblings to meet or get re-aquainted if they were adopted separately, a place for families to just get together and talk about their adoption stories, whether good or bad. It is also a great time for Larry and Claire to see all of the children whom they have loved on and provided a loving place for them to stay during their adoption process. The pictures that are taken and new friendships made are always a highlight. The reunions also provide a place where families can finally meet their consultant who walked you through the journey.

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this event! We plan to have lots of good food, fellowship, and fun!

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