Tuesday, September 9, 2008

On a personal note

I have added several links that are some of my favorite places to go on the web. As you can see, I don't have many, but these are close to my heart.

1. Larry and Claire Boggs, as you know are my parents who have been missionaries in Guatemala for 30 years this Dec.
2. NewSpring Church, where I have attended since I was a young girl, formerly known as Messiah Baptist Church. It is the place were I was baptized as a little girl and then the place where I was married 16 years ago (different building, same pastor) We have a very exciting, upbeat, contemporary church and we love attending. We currently help facilitate a Starting Point group, which is a 10 week study for Seekers, Starters, and Returners. This group is a priviledge to lead. We also help in Merge, which is a "Singles" group for 18-24 year olds. Check out the site, I think you'll be amazed!
3. Photo Works.com....This is where I go to participate in contests. I have currently won about $300 in free products from this site, just because I entered photos in a contest. If you go there, you can sign up for free and even vote on different pictures. This month, I have entered in the "Fall Sports" category and in the Storms and I think Nature. You can tell which ones are mine by my name GingerH.
4. GuatAdopt.com is a forum where many adoptive families can get information regarding Guatemala. They will post many things and they also have chat rooms. Chatrooms are great in certain settings, but I have noticed that sometimes people get terms mixed up, like Pre-Approval and Pink, then they start a panic. If you read something that disturbs you about the process, please let me know and I will check it out. I don't read many things there, but I know it's a valuable source to have.

Well, it's getting late and I better close for now! Have a great week and keep checking, I'll be posting more this week.

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