Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Well, it's Tuesday and there hasn't been any MAJOR issues happening on the Guatemala front. Nothing new from the PGN regarding cases where the birth mother did not show up for the interview by the deadline of Aug 31. I guess they are still debating. I did have one positive note. I wrote to the PGN on behalf of a family and GUESS WHAT?! They actually wrote me back. I'm not completely sure that the information they gave me was correct, but someone did write me back. I'll post the e-mail and if anyone wants to try, more power to you! I don't know if the squeeky wheel will get the grease, but it is comforting to know that they did reply the same day that I wrote. The e-mail to the PGN is info.chat@pgn.gob.gt Hopefully you can get some results. I do not know if they will reply in Spanish only or also in English. I wrote in Spanish.

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